Here at Aurora Speech Clinic, our speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists have a variety of areas of clinical focus.

Below, please find more information about each.

If you or a loved one has a concern that’s not listed below, please contact Aurora Speech Clinic to discuss your situation with one of our therapists. We may still be able to help, or at least refer you to someone who can.

Speech-Language Pathology Areas Of Focus

Speech-language pathology, or speech therapy, is a field of healthcare that focuses on the assessment, treatment, and prevention of a variety of disorders.

This includes disorders related to speech, language, and swallowing.

Speech-language pathologists have advanced training in many areas of communication and swallowing. However, each has their own areas of clinical focus or interest.

Below, you’ll find more information about what we treat at Aurora Speech Clinic.

Speech sound disorder is an umbrella term that refers to a variety of different disorders related to speech sound production. Those with a speech sound disorder have trouble saying sounds or words correctly, which can impact how well they are understood. Speech sound disorders affect both children and adults and include articulation disorders, phonological disorders, motor speech disorders such as dysarthria and apraxia of speech, or structural disorders, such as cleft lip and palate. Speech therapy can help.

A language delay or disorder refers to a communication problem in which an adult or child has difficulty with the development or use of language. Language encompasses both expressive language (the ability to convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings) and receptive language (the ability to understand and interpret spoken or written communication). Do you have concerns about your child’s language development? Or are you or someone you know experiencing new or persistent communication difficulties? If so, we can help.

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition. It affects how people process information, communicate, and interact with the world around them. Autistic people often demonstrate differences with language development, social interaction, and relationships. If you or your child is autistic or has difficulty with social communication skills, a speech-language pathologist can help. At Aurora Speech Clinic, we use a strength based, neurodiversity affirming approach to help you or your child better express yourself and communicate.

Speech-language pathologists play a crucial role in supporting literacy development in people of all ages, from young children to adults. SLPs work to strengthen overall communication skills, which are foundational for successful literacy development. This includes reading fluency and comprehension, writing, vocabulary building, oral narrative skills, phonological skills, spelling, sentence construction, and more. If you or your child need support in any of these areas, speech-language pathology treatments from Aurora Speech Clinic can help.

Fluency disorders are characterized by disruptions in the natural flow and rhythm of your speech. Stuttering is the most well known and common fluency disorder. It involves repeating, prolonging, or blocking sounds, syllables, words, or phrases. With cluttering on the other hand, people tend to speak rapidly and may seem disorganized in their speech. They might insert extra words or syllables, omit sounds, or have difficulty expressing themselves clearly. Either can have a significant impact on your ability to communicate effectively. We can help.

Feeding and swallowing disorders, also known as dysphagia, refer to difficulties or abnormalities in the process of eating, drinking, and swallowing. These disorders can affect people of all ages, from infants to the elderly. They can be caused by developmental issues (e.g., sensory or oral motor difficulties), various underlying medical conditions (e.g., neurological conditions, structural abnormalities), or age related changes. Early intervention and tailored therapies can significantly improve the quality of life for those with these disorders. Aurora Speech Clinic can help.

Neurological disorders include Parkinson’s disease, stroke, or traumatic brain injury. These can significantly impact your speech, language, and other communication functions, because they affect your brain and nervous system. The specific effects of neurological disorders on communication vary widely depending on the severity of the disorder and the brain areas affected. Neurological disorders can cause speech and language impairments (e.g., aphasia), cognitive communication impairments (e.g., word finding), voice disorders, and dysphagia. Speech therapy can help you improve your communication skills and quality of life.

Voice disorders refer to conditions that affect the creation of sound. This includes the quality, pitch, loudness, or resonance of a person’s voice. These disorders can result from various underlying causes (e.g., nodules, laryngitis, vocal fold weakness) and can manifest in a variety of ways. When they do, they can impact your ability to speak effectively or comfortably. Voice disorders can be temporary or chronic, and they may range in severity from mild to severe. If you feel like your vocal quality doesn’t suit your daily needs, a speech therapist can help. We’ll work with you to understand the cause of your voice disorder, and develop a strategy to modify it.

Vocal development remains a point of frustration and dysphoria for many transgender women and trans feminine nonbinary people. If your pre transition voice no longer suits you, transgender voice feminization can help. Through exercises designed to address pitch, resonance, intonation, and more, you can gain greater control over your voice. This can help you find a new way to speak that feels more affirming to your identity. At Aurora Speech Clinic, this service is provided by a speech-language pathologist and speech therapy assistant: one who is able to provide a unique perspective as a transgender woman herself.

Speech Therapy Services for Accent Expansion & Professional Speaking | Aurora Speech Clinic | Aurora Newmarket York Region Ontario | Aurora Speech Clinic | Express yourself with confidence and do what you love

Accent Expansion & Professional Speaking

Pediatric Occupational Therapy Areas Of Focus

Pediatric occupational therapy is a field of healthcare that focuses on helping children develop skills they need to perform everyday activities or “occupations”. These occupations typically include activities related to self care (e.g. dressing, eating), play, and school related tasks.

Pediatric occupational therapists aim to support children to achieve specific milestones in development and promote their independence and participation in various life activities.

All occupational therapists are trained to assess and treat your child’s physical, sensory, and emotional development to identify any challenges or delays. However, occupational therapists may also have areas of clinical focus or interest.

Below, you’ll find more information about areas our occupational therapists (OTs) treat at Aurora Speech Clinic.

Sensory processing refers to the way your nervous system receives, interprets, and responds to sensory input from the environment. It involves sensory information from various sources, including touch, sight, sound, taste, smell, and movement. Some children have difficulty processing sensory information, which can result in sensory processing disorder. This can manifest in various ways, such as being hypersensitive, having reduced sensitivity, or sensory seeking behavior. Occupational therapy can help.

Occupational Therapy Services for Self Regulation | Aurora Speech Clinic | Aurora Newmarket York Region Ontario | Aurora Speech Clinic | Express yourself with confidence and do what you love

Self Regulation

Self regulation is the ability to manage and control your emotions, behaviours, and responses to various sensory and environmental stimuli. Occupational therapists use a holistic approach to help children develop and improve their self regulation skills. They support children with sensory processing, emotional regulation, building self awareness, developing cognitive strategies, and more. Occupational therapists also make recommendations for environmental modifications that will help your child stay regulated.

Gross motor skills include the skills needed to make larger bodily movements such as crawling, walking, throwing, jumping, and riding a bike. Fine motor skills, on the other hand, include the skills needed for smaller hand and wrist movements, such as handwriting, fastening buttons, using a fork, and picking up blocks. Children start to learn these skills from birth. If your child is showing signs of delayed development in these skills, pediatric occupational therapy from Aurora Speech Clinic can help.

Activities of daily living refers to the tasks we all need to perform each day in order to maintain a basic level of health and hygiene. This includes feeding and dressing, using the toilet, bathing and grooming, and moving from place to place. If your child is having difficulty developing these skills, it may be a sign of an underlying disorder. Your pediatric occupational therapist can work with your child to help develop these and other skills. This can help them work toward greater independence as they grow.

Book Your Appointment With Aurora Speech Clinic Today

If you or a loved one has difficulty in one or more of the above areas, Aurora Speech Clinic can help.

Our team of highly skilled speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists is ready to support you or your loved one.

Book your appointment with Aurora Speech Clinic today.