Pediatric speech-language pathologists play a critical role in helping children and adolescents develop their literacy skills.

They are trained in the assessment and treatment of articulation, phonological awareness, language comprehension, and expressive language skills, to name a few.

All of the above are crucial for developing strong literacy skills.

At Aurora Speech Clinic, our speech-language pathology team has a wide range of areas of clinical focus. This includes pediatric speech-language pathology for literacy skills.

The Connection Between Spoken And Written Language

Research shows that children with language delays/disorders and/or speech sound disorders are more likely to have difficulty learning to read or write. But why is this?

Oral language skills serve as the foundation for literacy development. Before children learn to read and write, they first develop spoken language skills. These skills include vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structure, and comprehension of spoken language. Children who have strong oral language skills are better prepared to acquire literacy skills.

Oral language skills also contribute to phonological awareness, which is the ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds of spoken language. Phonological awareness is a critical precursor to learning to read. Activities like rhyming, segmenting words into syllables, and identifying individual sounds within words are all related to oral language skills.

Spoken language also helps individuals understand the structure of language, including grammar, syntax, and sentence structure. This understanding is beneficial when learning to read and write, as it provides a framework for constructing and interpreting written sentences and texts.

Ultimately, oral language and literacy skills are interconnected. Strong oral language skills in vocabulary, phonological awareness, comprehension, and language structure provide a solid foundation for the development of reading and writing abilities.

How do Speech Therapists Treat Literacy Skills?

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) play a crucial role in supporting literacy skill development in individuals of all ages, from children to adults.

Speech therapists tailor their interventions to the specific needs of each individual, whether they are dealing with literacy challenges due to speech and language disorders, learning disabilities, or other factors. By addressing these needs through a comprehensive and personalized approach, speech therapists play a vital role in promoting literacy skill development and overall communication abilities.

Speech-language pathologists can provide support in various ways, listed below.

Literacy Skills Assessment

Speech-language pathologists begin by assessing an individual’s current oral and written language abilities and identifying any specific areas of difficulty. This assessment helps determine the appropriate interventions and goals.

Phonological Awareness

Speech-language pathologists work on developing phonological awareness. Activities may include rhyming games, identifying beginning and ending sounds, and segmenting and blending sounds.

Phonics and Decoding

Speech-language pathologists help individuals understand the relationship between letters and sounds. They teach phonics rules, letter-sound correspondence, and decoding strategies that are essential for reading.

Vocabulary Development

Expanding vocabulary is crucial for literacy. Speech therapists can help individuals acquire new words and understand their meanings through various activities, such as reading books and discussing their content.


Speech therapists work on improving reading fluency by helping individuals read with accuracy, expression, and appropriate pacing. They may use strategies like repeated reading and modeling fluent reading.

Comprehension Skills

Speech therapists assist individuals in developing comprehension skills, which involve understanding and interpreting the content of written material. This includes strategies for summarizing, making predictions, and asking questions while reading.

Writing Skills

Speech therapists support the development of writing skills by helping individuals with spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and organization. They also encourage creative writing to enhance expressive language.

Book Your Appointment With Aurora Speech Clinic Today

Does your child seem to be struggling learning to read/write relative to their peers?

If so, Aurora Speech Clinic can help.

Aurora Speech Clinic is a speech-language pathology and pediatric occupational therapy clinic in Aurora Ontario.

We serve York Region with in person treatment, as well as virtual therapy services to residents across Ontario.

Speech-language pathologists play an important role in developing literacy skills.

Aurora Speech Clinic can help!