Emma Papineau – CDA Reg. CDAAC

Communicative Disorders Assistant (CDA)

Emma obtained a Bachelor of Social Work with a Double Minor in Psychology and Sociology from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), followed by a Communicative Disorders Assistant Graduate Certificate from Durham College. Emma holds years of experience working with children and youth of all ages. She is dedicated to making therapy functional and engaging for all clients. Emma enjoys taking an individualized, client-centred approach to best support her clients in reaching their communication goals.

Emma holds experience working with the pediatric population in the areas of motor speech, social communication, phonological disorders, articulation, receptive and expressive language, gestalt language processing, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and more.

She continues to seek out continuing education and additional training opportunities to best inform her practice. Emma holds registration with the Communicative Disorders Assistant Association of Canada (CDAAC) and is a member of Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC).